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Our recreational programme is the perfect opportunity for new athletes to gain some experience and enjoy taking part in the sport without the commitment of competing. The Recreational Teams train once a week in preparation for our 'Purple Premiere' Showcase.


Classes run weekly: 


Sundays 1:30-3pm


Classes take place at:
Surrey Starlets Gym

Rosebery School

White Horse Drive


KT18 7NQ


Classes cost £10 per week and fees are collected half termly.


To secure your space, a £16 deposit is due. This covers the first 2 sessions (at a discounted rate of £8 each session), and will be deducted from your first half terms fees.


There is a £50 annual membership which includes a free team member TShirt! Spaces are available to start NOW!! 






Complete the form below to sign up for a space at our recreational teams:
recs 2.JPG

The sign up process:
By clicking the payment link below, you will then be able to make your £16 deposit which covers the first 2 sessions you attend. 
Once we have received your deposit, we will send you the sign up form via the email address provided
, along with a start date. This form must be completed and returned in order to start. We will then confirm, and you are then able to begin on your start date!  


Pressing Submit will take you to the payment link. Submissions will not be considered until payment is made

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